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Overcomers Overcoming

Jun 29, 2021

Matt Koroncai was in third grade when he started a drug habit. He thought drugs would help him overcome the empty feeling of no relationships or connectedness. He longed for acceptance. For a time, drugs helped him overcome those feelings of deep inadequacies. That, combined with a strong will of defiance, led to a life...

Jun 24, 2021

Dan Bartol felt disconnected as a teenager. To gain acceptance, he turned to alcohol and drugs that led to a life of dependency. He endured this dependency for nearly 16 years. As of this recording, he is celebrating nine years of freedom from chemical dependency. He is now serving at one of the Recovery Centers of...

Jun 22, 2021

Chris and Jessica met each other through the Friend of Sinners Ministry. They met there because of their respective chemical dependency addictions. As with everyone, each of us has a unique background and upbringing. However, each of us needs acceptance and genuine relationships. Chris and Jessica describe their...

Jun 17, 2021

Kathy Green is Seth Barnhart’s mother who had persevered nearly 30 years of her son’s substance abuse. Seth’s podcast is available to download in a previous episode. Kathy exercised tough love by knowing what would enable her son to continue substance abuse. She agonized with sleepless nights while relying on God...

Jun 15, 2021

Seth Barnhart is living a life helping others overcome addictions. He describes his former life of addiction and how he overcame his past of not feeling friendly even while having a good home life. He speaks with a confident resolve that through a relationship with Christ our Lord and Savior, anyone can overcome a life...